Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Dr. Hubert Zajicek (Courtesy: Health Wildcatters)
Health Wildcatters is the Dallas-based healthcare accelerator that has long ranked as one of the nation’s best but the global pandemic and economic crisis turned its operation sideways. 

Granted, healthcare innovation has become an essential part of getting life back to some version of normal. But Health Wildcatters had to change fundamental elements of its program. The good news: those changes have created massive new opportunities for the accelerator, worldwide.

Health Wildcatters is the Dallas-based healthcare accelerator that has long ranked as one of the nation’s best but the global pandemic and economic crisis turned its operation sideways. 

Granted, healthcare innovation has become an essential part of getting life back to some version of normal. But Health Wildcatters had to change fundamental elements of its program. The good news: those changes have created massive new opportunities for the accelerator, worldwide.

Image: Dr. Hubert Zajicek (Courtesy: Health Wildcatters) -