Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Here s why now is a better time than ever to explore entrepreneurship Financial Post

The greatest part of my day job as a venture capitalist is the inspiration I draw from watching amazing Founders take a crazy concept, work tirelessly, and sacrifice a ton with the sole purpose of turning a dream into a reality. I recognize how hard the entrepreneurial journey is – and I know full well of the ups and downs that the job brings.

I fully believe the world needs entrepreneurs more than ever and I try my best to encourage and support anyone who is just crazy enough to jump into the arena and give it a shot. From my own experience, being an entrepreneur is the greatest job in the world. Innovation is the key to global progress and entrepreneurs have the potential to change the world, improve communities, create new jobs and solve some of the greatest challenges the world faces. What job even comes close?