Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Theather sign in downtown chicago.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) recently released “Improving local development incentives. Effective practices for local governments in northeastern Illinois.” This new guidebook offers a set of principles and strategies to improve the use of development incentives in the Chicago region.

The guide’s four key principles are:

  1. Equity – supporting development in disinvested communities, providing equitable access to amenities and employment, and keeping incentives from contributing further to inequitable outcomes;
  2. Performance-driven use – establishing clear goals and performance measures and recognizing that incentives are just one among many community tools for development;
  3. Pursuit of regional benefits – avoiding race-to-the bottom competitions among neighbors that do little to improve the region and are costly at the local level;
  4. Transparency – publishing clear incentive policies, sharing agreement details, and conducting evaluations.

Ten strategies address goal setting, public accountability, and judicious and targeted use of incentives. The strategies also recommend assessment of economic benefits related to racial and economic equity, regional gains/losses, and local employment that go beyond the narrow fiscal impact metrics that often drive local incentive offers.