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Atelier Ventures; Courtesy of Nikhil Basu Trivedi; CLEO Capital; Courtesy of Josh Buckley; Samantha Lee/Business Insider

It's been a year of twists, turns, upsets and turmoil.

No one has felt that more than the world of startups which saw massive layoffs in the spring when the pandemic lock-downs struck and then swung back to record venture deal making by the fall.

But, as the saying goes, the Chinese character for crises contains the characters for danger and opportunity. With every radical gyration in the industry comes opportunity for new ideas, new people, new rising stars. 

With that in mind, Business Insider has compiled a list of the 100 rising-star VCs who represent the future of venture capital. It is based on research from VC Guide, the Glassdoor of venture capital, where verified founders can post anonymous reviews of VCs. But it also includes a number of Business Insider's own picks.

Image: Atelier Ventures; Courtesy of Nikhil Basu Trivedi; CLEO Capital; Courtesy of Josh Buckley; Samantha Lee/Business Insider