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Image credit: Virgin Hyperloop vía PC Mag

Virgin Hyperloop made history Sunday when it completed the world's first Hyperloop passenger test. Company Co-Founder and CTO Josh Giegel and Director of Passenger Experience Sara Luchian were the first to ride Virgin's new form of transportation: Experimental Pod-2 (XP-2).

Since its launch in 2014, the company has been known by many names - including Hyperloop Technologies, Hyperloop One, and Virgin Hyperloop One - but has always been focused on one goal: transforming the way people travel. Six years later, Luchian and Giegel traveled 48 meters per second on a 500-meter journey through the Nevada desert. "We took a big step towards that last dream," Giegel said in a statement . "Not just for me, but for all of us who are looking towards a full moon here on Earth."

Image: Image credit: Virgin Hyperloop vía PC Mag