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I’ve spent the last 3 days at TechCrunch Disrupt learning about the latest and greatest tech startups Silicon Valley (and actually the world) has to offer.  I noticed that many of the start-ups, many of which launched at TechCrunch Disrupt, are doing very similar things.  Here I’ll summarize the trends I saw.  While not totally relevant to the social enterprise world, I do believe many of these technologies can be leveraged to make a difference or at least improve the operations of a sustainable business.

1) Mobile everything

  • Pay with your phone with BlingNationMobilePay does something very similar. Easily build mobile apps with ApplicationCraft.   InstaMobile creates a mobile store fast and simple for anyone.  With ParticleCode you can automatically port mobile apps across platforms.  DudaMobile turns websites into mobile sites.
  • Clixtr lets you collaborate with friends and strangers on event related photo albums.  Pinger provides free texting!
  • Apsalar provides mobile analytics.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Startup Trends from TechCrunch Disrupt | Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit

Author: Amie Vaccaro