Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Horseshoe crabs, the plentiful, strange and ancient life form crawling beneath the Chesapeake waters, carry within them a highly-prized, copper-based, blue-colored blood that's used worldwide for testing vaccines and medical devices for toxins. (Dreamstime/Dreamstime/TNS)

Far from the medical labs and test tubes, a fisherman in old rubber boots walks across the docks of West Ocean City to inspect his catch.

He peers in a crate of spiny tails and grasping claws, hundreds of a common yet precious creature, among the oldest species on Earth: horseshoe crabs.

Image: Horseshoe crabs, the plentiful, strange and ancient life form crawling beneath the Chesapeake waters, carry within them a highly-prized, copper-based, blue-colored blood that's used worldwide for testing vaccines and medical devices for toxins. (Dreamstime/Dreamstime/TNS)