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"So, have you packed yet?" Andrew Kress, CEO of health analytics firm SDI Health LLC, playfully queries two project directors as they pass outside a conference room. Kress' company has run out of room, the result of some spirited growth and an acquisition two years back. SDI is moving into a much larger complex down the road from its current headquarters in the Philadelphia suburb of Plymouth Meeting, combining 550 employees split between two buildings.

"I'm employing high-skill, high-wage people, and we're expanding," Kress says. Even in local discussions about job creation and economic growth, "that kind of situation gets overlooked."

Kress, a boyish-looking 43, explains this without obvious rancor. But his point is critical. It is hundreds of healthcare and technology companies like SDI, tucked into various suburban office parks and standalone buildings hugging perimeter freeways, that propel the Philadelphia region these days. And they rarely get their due.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Why it's often sunny in Philadelphia (The Deal Magazine)
