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SAN FRANCISCO, June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- With a large influx of entrepreneurs in 2021, a fine balance of home life and work life need to be obtained to avoid burn out. One solid idea that has worked for years for Upuia Ahkiong, an entrepreneur with over 3 businesses and newly engaged; is to create a 24-hour personal retreat.    

Upuia Ahkiong During Upuia's first year of life as an entrepreneur, even with wellness as her goal she found herself needing to restart her energy. "Becoming burned out even in a short amount of time, especially as someone is starting, happened to me," she said.  She started her personal retreat and determined these 11 steps. "A relaxed mind, a creative mind has helped me return to my business and solve problems with more ease and excitement," states Upuia.

Image: Upuia Ahkiong -