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Steve Boese is HRE's Inside HR Tech columnist and chair of HRE’s HR Technology Conference®, which is taking place Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 2021, in Las Vegas. He also writes a blog and hosts the HR Happy Hour Show, a radio program and podcast. He can be emailed at

We at HRE and the HR Tech Conference are starting the annual process to determine our Top HR Products of 2021. This is, I believe, the most prestigious award in the entire HR technology industry and has a rich history dating back more than two decades. For readers unfamiliar with the process, it begins with a call for submissions of new products and enhancements to existing products, which, in a typical year, number well over 100. We then spend several days (it truly takes at least a week, to be honest), reviewing all of the submissions and developing the initial list of products we would like to see; from there, we undertake a few rounds of demos and internal discussions to build the final list of winners.

Image: Steve Boese is HRE's Inside HR Tech columnist and chair of HRE’s HR Technology Conference®, which is taking place Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 2021, in Las Vegas. He also writes a blog and hosts the HR Happy Hour Show, a radio program and podcast. He can be emailed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..