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Founded by Rich Bendis

The Formula Car Design Team practices in a parking lot near Castleman Hall in the spring 2021. Photo by Michael Pierce, Missouri S&T.

Most S&T students take a well-earned break in the summer, but the quiet on campus is still occasionally disrupted by the roar of a rocket launch or the rumble of a racecar engine coming from the Student Design and Experiential Learning Center.

Even during the summer, students are working in the design center, which provides Missouri S&T’s student design teams with computer design laboratories, a manufacturing shop, office space and logistical support. Several teams are preparing to compete this summer, but all 19 teams are in a constant state of testing, manufacturing and planning for the next season or next competition.

Image: The Formula Car Design Team practices in a parking lot near Castleman Hall in the spring 2021. Photo by Michael Pierce, Missouri S&T.