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Deep water: The world's deepest dive pool has just opened at Deep Dive Dubai.
Deep Dive Dubai

(CNN) — Already home to the world's tallest skyscraper and the world's largest mall, Dubai has just opened another record-breaking attraction -- the deepest dive pool in the world.

With a staggering depth of 60 meters (196 feet), the pool, part of the new Deep Dive Dubai attraction -- has stolen the record from Poland's Deepspot, which has a depth of over 45 meters.

The Deep Dive Dubai pool is filled with 14 million liters of fresh water -- the volume of six Olympic-sized swimming pools -- and is at least four times bigger than any other diving pool in the world. Guinness awarded it the "Deepest swimming pool for diving" title on June 27.

Image: Deep water: The world's deepest dive pool has just opened at Deep Dive Dubai. Deep Dive Dubai