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Avi Hasson, incoming CEO of Start-Up Nation Central, welcomes the Delegation. Credit - Liron Cohen Aviv

TEL AVIV, Israel, July 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- High-ranking diplomats from 10 countries paid a visit to Start-Up Nation Central headquarters to learn about the Israeli innovation ecosystem and gain insights into how Israel became the Startup Nation. 

The delegation that included ambassadors to the United States and the United Nations from Kenya, Hungary, Argentina, the Czech Republic, Bhutan, the Dominican Republic, Ukraine, Tonga, Guatemala, and Australia — as well as their spouses — were part of a week-long tour hosted by Israel's Ambassador to the UN and the US Gilad Erdan and sponsored by the American Zionist Movement, B'nai B'rith and International March of the Living. 

Image: Avi Hasson, incoming CEO of Start-Up Nation Central, welcomes the Delegation. Credit - Liron Cohen Aviv  -