Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


There is one certainty in a VUCA world: The solution that works today may not work tomorrow.

The concept of a VUCA world – one characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – used to be just that, an abstract concept.

With the events of 2020, however, VUCA has gone from abstraction to reality, and the very nature of leadership challenges now revolves around:

An accelerated pace of change. The need for resilience and a strong organisational immune system. "Wicked” problems and competing demands (e.g. efficiency vs innovation, performance vs human needs).

To navigate the complexity of these challenges, leaders can’t simply rely on their proven strengths and do more of what they’re good at. They need to expand their range and develop a well-rounded repertoire of leadership skills and behaviours.