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HIGH VISIBILITY Elon Boms of Launch Capital advises would-be founders to “go out and network and meet people.”This is the easiest way to get money from investors for your business idea: Be a person who has made millions of dollars for investors in the past.

But if you are unfortunately not that kind of person yet, what else can you do to tilt the odds in your favor? I’ve been asking local investors and entrepreneurs for their best advice about how to raise money for a new venture, especially for a first-time founder.

Here’s what they said: Whatever you do, don’t send your business plan randomly to investors. The odds are as bad as, or perhaps worse than, a first-time novelist shipping off a manuscript to big-time agents. “The best way to get an investor’s attention is well known,’’ said Larry Bohn, a onetime tech chief executive who is now an investor at General Catalyst Partners in Cambridge. “You find people they trust and have worked with before, and you have them call the investor and say why you and your idea are interesting.’’


To read the full, original article click on this link: How to raise money if you haven’t started a start-up - The Boston Globe

Author:  Scott Kirsner