Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Daniel Mangena

The allure of being your own boss — of making the rules and reaping the rewards — can be a siren song. The reality is, of course, that a daunting number of new enterprises fail within a few short years (20% in the first year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and just under 92% overall, according to a 2019 Startup Genome report).

I know how it feels to strike out on your own, full of enthusiasm, only to find yourself back at square one in relatively short order, and for too many, new businesses achieve just a modicum of success before the wheels fall off. I made myself a millionaire twice, then lost it all, before I finally found the answers. Now I live the life I’ve always wanted, free of the fear that it could all be taken from me.