Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


You likely won’t be surprised to hear that hiring has been heating up lately. You’ve read all of those articles about “The Great Resignation” wave sweeping across the country. You’ve seen countless “I’m hiring!” posts from your network on Twitter and LinkedIn. You’ve perhaps been tapped to join more interview loops yourself, as your company revs up its own recruiting machine.

This trend has (anecdotally) resulted in some unusual practices — think larger-than-usual referral fees, bigger-than-ever signing bonuses, or outsized counter-offers in an attempt to get current employees to stay put. The high-stakes nature and weighty choice behind every hiring decision is crashing into the sheer volume of interviews and competitive pressure to lure in the best candidates. In other words, in a hiring climate like this one, it’s tempting to take some shortcuts.