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Founded by Rich Bendis

The Toyota S-AM, which stands for Sienna Autono-MaaS, is equipped with automated driving tech from Aurora and an electric-hybrid powertrain. Aurora will begin testing the new vehicles on Dallas roadways over the next six months.

Unicorn tech startup Aurora plans to begin testing its autonomous driving technology on Dallas roads over the next six months as it hurdles toward its goal of launching driverless rides for ride-sharing companies by 2024.

The Mountain View, Calif.-based tech company is working with Uber and Toyota to develop an autonomous vehicle for use with ride sharing. If everything goes according to plan for Aurora, the Uber ride you order in three years may not have a human driver.

Image: The Toyota S-AM, which stands for Sienna Autono-MaaS, is equipped with automated driving tech from Aurora and an electric-hybrid powertrain. Aurora will begin testing the new vehicles on Dallas roadways over the next six months.