Last week, I had the amazing fortune to have been invited back as a featured blogger at the World Business Forum at Radio City Hall in NYC.
The speakers were world class, including people like Charlene Li, Jim Collins, Al Gore, Jack Welch, Steve Levitt, Nando Parrado, James Freakin’ Cameron, Martin Lindstrom. All were charged with not only holding the attention of, but mesmerizing the audience of 5,000 CEOs and top-level business leaders from around the world.
The content was, for the most part, fabulous (which I rarely say coming away from a conference), but the real gift for me was the chance to absorb how the best real-content (not schtick-fest buy-my-stuff hawkers) presenters own a stage and inspire an audience the size of Radio City.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The 10 Commandments of Suck-Free Speaking
Author: Johathan Fields