Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Jerome Engel The Berkeley Blog

Technology is a relentless rising tide that pushes us to adapt and revise how we live our lives. Whether in communications, mobility, energy, entertainment, health care, work, or even family life…all are being continually transformed by inventions and new ways of being that we often call innovation.

In March 2020, at the very moment I was leading a venture capital executive program right here [in Barcelona] at this fine University, we were hit by a tidal wave. The tidal wave of the Covid 19 pandemic. Like a tidal wave, it was not clear at first how significant or all-pervasive its impact would be. But as the weeks and months passed, as the significance of the changes wrought became clear, we all realized an increased dependence on innovations that had been emerging around us for years, in telecommunications, biotechnology, retail, banking, personal mobility and more.

What were once novel innovations, whether Zoom, home food delivery, or messenger RNA vaccine therapies, became essential utilities of day-to-day existence.