Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Modern cnc milling machine cutters automation ind 2021 08 30 14 35 29 utc

Automation is everywhere these days. While economists often consider the effects of automation in terms of whether it creates or destroys jobs, less attention is paid to how it changes jobs and the wages paid to the workers that perform them. While there are cases where automation can create higher-paying jobs, more often it drives wages down. For companies considering automation, this can seem like a boon, as cost savings on labor can increase margins. But, there are also potential downsides, as companies may find themselves in trouble when automated systems falter. Firms should ask themselves three questions when deciding to automate: 1) What are the limits of the technology? 2) How do those limits impact the operation? 3) How does the cost of overseeing technology affect its value proposition?