Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Entrepreneur Richard Holcomb is the manager and general partner at North Carolina Venture Capital Fund. He also co-owns Coon Rock Farm in Hillsborough.
Mehmet Demirci

Richard Holcomb is a serial entrepreneur whose Q+E Software sold for more than $40 million in 1994.

Let’s take a look at the two questions I have been asked most by founders.

The most often asked is “how do I get my new startup funded?” and the second is “how do I get my successful startup sold?”.

After founding and selling my own companies, I’ve had the privilege to work in both early stage venture capital and in the sell-side investment banking world.

I’ve helped companies get that first round of funding and I’ve also helped to get them sold or IPO’d.

Image: Entrepreneur Richard Holcomb is the manager and general partner at North Carolina Venture Capital Fund. He also co-owns Coon Rock Farm in Hillsborough. Mehmet Demirci