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Fang Liangzhou, Vice President and CMO of Huawei Digital Power, delivered a speech at COP26

Dr. Fang Liangzhou, Vice President and CMO of Huawei Digital Power, spoke at COP26 today. At the session "System Change and Climate Innovation in the Technology Industry" hosted by the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, Fang virtually delivered a keynote address on "Building a Low-Carbon Smart Society." Fang described how Huawei Digital Power integrates digital and power electronics technologies to help industries save energy and reduce emissions from both power generation and consumption. Digitalization of power can cut waste in energy consumption, sharply boost power generation from renewables, and make transportation and cities green. Fang called for joint efforts to build a low carbon smart society together.

Image: Fang Liangzhou, Vice President and CMO of Huawei Digital Power, delivered a speech at COP26