Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

HERSHEL MEHTA, Co-founder & Partner, 2AM VC

2am VC is a US domiciled India-focused venture fund for Gen Z entrepreneurs. “We are a sector-agnostic, Gen Z centric, ‘India Only’ early stage venture fund,” says Hershel Mehta, co-founder and partner, 2am VC. Brendan Rogers is the other co-founder and partner in this venture. “The Indian Gen Z is a force to be reckoned with. They are digital-first, have great national pride and identity, and are huge in number. This segment is the next big thing, and missing it would be the mistake of the millennium,” he tells Sudhir Chowdhary in a recent interaction. Excerpts:

What do you think about the US venture ecosystem? And how has been your journey? T

he US ecosystem is operating at an all-time high in terms of micro funds and angel capital available. Covid-19 transformed popular investors’ belief as they now firmly state that great companies can be built anywhere, not just in Silicon Valley.

Image: HERSHEL MEHTA, Co-founder & Partner, 2AM VC