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Shelly Kapoor Collins is one of the women setting out to diversify the venture capital industry.
Todd Johnson | San Francisco Business Times

The venture capital world is dominated by men.

Female founders still get a fraction of the deals made, and dollars spent, despite making steady strides over the past decade. And it's no coincidence that women still only make up about 15% of all general partners at VC firms around the country. 

There's room for optimism though, according to a new report from Pitchbook.

While the pandemic hit startups with female founders harder than all-male teams, women began outpacing national trends at the end of 2020 and are already shattering records this year, according to Pitchbook's third annual report on female founders.

Image: Shelly Kapoor Collins is one of the women setting out to diversify the venture capital industry. Todd Johnson | San Francisco Business Times