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Founded by Rich Bendis

GEENEE AR Build WebAR Experiences That Drive Results

December 13, 2021 – Augmented reality (AR) technology firm Geenee Inc. has announced the release of a WebAR Full-Body Tracking SDK. The 3D augmented reality try-on solution allows users to wear digital garments or avatars that follow their movements in real-time, without the extra step of downloading an app.

The SDK will be made available to agency partners and developers (anyone interested in a first-look can apply for Geenee’s Partner Labs Program), before it is rolled out to Geenee’s drag and drop WebAR Builder as a no-code interface in early 2022. Partners will be granted 3 free months of non-commercial use of the SDK to showcase various creative examples of the technology for Web 3.0 and metaverse applications.