Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Day meeting 2021 09 01 09 41 24 utc

The adage “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” has endured because it’s true. That's why it's crucial to diligently prepare ahead of investor meetings, especially in these three areas.

Think about how much money you truly need

The cost of building startups has dropped dramatically over the past few years. I often see first-time entrepreneurs seeking to raise larger-than-required sums of money for their pre-seed or seed rounds, which decreases the number of investors likely to invest. In other words, they’re trying to satisfy what could be multiple rounds of financing in one fell swoop. Or, they’re accounting for roles in their plan that aren’t suitable for their current phase — such as hiring assistants or salespeople during product development.