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Tech industry experts from Forbes Technology Council predict the dominant tech trends of 2022. PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.

Nothing in tech is certain—in the earliest days of 2020, few industry experts would have predicted that the focus for tech professionals in the coming months would be on the rapid deployment of tools to support widespread remote work. Still, barring unforeseen developments, leaders in the tech industry can usually spot upcoming trends. 

From the continued technical support needed for remote and hybrid work to new technologies to serve customers to potential cautionary tales, the members of Forbes Technology Council have noted several topics that we may be seeing and reading about in the months ahead. Below, 15 of them share the tech trends they believe will dominate business and consumer life in 2022, and why.

Image: Tech industry experts from Forbes Technology Council predict the dominant tech trends of 2022. PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.