Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Teenage girl at home on a zoom call with her teach 2021 08 30 07 38 44 utc

CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, VPs of operations, logistics professionals and even purchasing have had a seat at the technology decision-making table for decades. But suddenly, there is a new technology influencer at the table: human resources. Until now, HR mostly only held the responsibility of onboarding new employees and sometimes training existing staff on how various warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing technologies were to be used. Safety meant that environmental health and safety (EHS) leaders interfaced with HR and met both company policy and complied with OSHA rules and regulations. After a quarter-century in logistics leadership, HR professionals have not always been part of the conversation. Admittedly there was some skepticism if this was genuinely a trend or merely a fad.