Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Molecular Biologicals

Imagine you’re working outside and accidentally cut your foot on a protruding stick you didn’t see. No big deal. You go inside and wash the wound, perhaps applying an antibiotic cream, and dress it in a bandage. Days and weeks, even months go by, however, and the wound just doesn’t want to seem to fully heal. Even the simplest of tasks such as walking becomes extremely painful, and just one wrong move reopens the wound.

For millions around the world, this is their daily reality. From diabetic ulcers to bedsores, from burns to cancer complications to infections, chronic wounds are complex and vastly underappreciated as a therapeutic space.

Molecular Biologicals, located in the blossoming biotech hub of Charlottesville, VA, is working to change the game in chronic wound care through its unique and proprietary keratin manufacturing platform.

Click here to read more via BioBuzz.