Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

I ve made a huge mistake 2021 08 31 07 11 01 utc

As our Marketing Expert in Residence here at First Round and in her own consulting work Arielle Jackson has helped shape hundreds of startup brands. If you suspect we’re padding the tally for narrative effect, by her count she worked with 71 companies in 2021 alone — and she’s been at this work for the past seven years.

So it’s fair to say that if you’re a founder building a brand, you’d want Jackson in your corner. For the better part of the last decade, she’s helped companies like Patreon, Loom, Front, Bowery and eero architect their positioning and brands from the ground up. (To say nothing of her previous product marketing work at Google and Square, where she helped launch and grow products such as Google Books, AdWords, Gmail, and Square Stand.)