Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Dreaming child 2021 08 26 15 47 25 utc

Far from a hedonistic cry, carpe diem instructs us to live a life of meaning.

You may have heard this story about a young fisherman who was enjoying himself on the bank of a beautiful river when a stressed-out businessman came along.

Stopping in front of the fisherman, the businessman said, ”You aren’t going to catch many fish with that single rod. You’re young. If you worked instead, you could make money, buy many nets and catch more fish.”

“And what would I get out of that?”, asked the fisherman.

“With more money, you could buy a boat and catch even more fish!”

“And what would I get out of that?”, the fisherman replied.

The businessman became agitated: “You could buy more boats, hire many people to work for you!”

"And what would I get out of that?” repeated the fisherman.