Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Being a founder involves constant ‘fire-fighting’ simply to stay in the game. PHOTO BY ELISA VENTUR ON UNSPLASH

Entrepreneurs are fast becoming the superstars of our era. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates are household names and command the same attention as Hollywood celebrities, while Steve Jobs has become even more of a cultural icon in the years following his death.

These entrepreneurial titans are held in high regard both for the wealth they’ve generated and the step-changes in innovation enabled by their visionary approach to technology. Moreover, their stories have helped forge the current narrative around entrepreneurship and the rich possibilities of ‘going it alone’, inspiring millions of young people to pursue the entrepreneurial path rather than the conventional corporate career. Now, with the emergence of the YOLO economy, entrepreneurship is increasingly viewed as the best way to make money, make a difference and live life to the fullest.

Image: Being a founder involves constant ‘fire-fighting’ simply to stay in the game. PHOTO BY ELISA VENTUR ON UNSPLASH