Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

AJoni Cobb, Center for American Entrepreneurship fresh face joining the helm of a leading lobbying organization for entrepreneurs is expected to bring Midwest perspective and representation to the fight to create more jobs through the innovation economy.

Joni Cobb, the founding president and CEO of Pipeline Entrepreneurs — a Kansas City, Kansas-based network of startup founders now led by executive director Melissa Vincent — this week was announced as chair of the board of directors for the Center for American Entrepreneurship.

“CAE understands that critical innovation comes from entrepreneurs — and that talented entrepreneurs reside in every part of our county, not just in the famed coastal hubs,” said Cobb. “It is an honor to be selected to lead such an impressive board of individuals who have spent their careers supporting entrepreneurship across the country and who share the belief that our nation’s public policies should encourage rather than deter our best and brightest entrepreneurs. I thank John and the entire board for their confidence in me to lead at such a momentous time for our country’s entrepreneurs.”

Image: Joni Cobb, Center for American Entrepreneurship