Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Leisure with parents 2021 09 24 03 39 26 utc

Throughout most of our job-seeking lives, we are required to demonstrate our skills as a precursor to employment. Our resumes list our previous companies and associated roles as evidence of our experience. Job interviews consist of recalling examples when we demonstrated our capabilities—everything must have been recorded in measurable successes, lest we have no “proof” of our accomplishments.  

So, when we decide to go it alone and launch a new entrepreneurial project, we can often find ourselves wondering if we are out of our depth—without proof of the ability to succeed outside of the structure of our deeds within another company, it is easy to doubt ourselves. We’ve been trained to be skeptical of any proposed capability that isn't measured by our resume.