Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Handshake after deal 2021 09 24 03 26 31 utc

Today, Angelle Consulting is shy of its 4th anniversary. While I'm proud to have made it past the dreaded three-year mark, in the midst of Covid-19 no less, I'm just now building my team. And, it seems like I couldn't have chosen a worse time to do so with the talent shortage at an all-time high. Not a single day passes without news of the Great Resignation's impact on companies big and small. As a result, businesses are competing for workers more than ever before, and they're not afraid to leverage higher wages, better benefits, and all kinds of perks to their advantage. But, as a budding enterprise, my company is simply not in a position to compete.