Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Cursor and BIO Best Practices Report 2021 pdf

Indeed, in 2021, the U.S. bioscience industry represents a unique confluence of characteristics essential for addressing these challenges and realizing societal and economic progress: extraordinary innovation that’s saving and improving lives through advancements in biomedical, energy, and advanced food and industrial technologies, along with an expanding mix of employment opportunities with incomes that support a quality standard of living.

The industry is at the forefront of a host of major global challenges related to diagnosing, treating, and curing disease—especially COVID-19 and other infections with pandemic potential. The industry is also ensuring that the world can rely on a safe, affordable, and more sustainable food supply to feed a growing population, as well as developing biobased fuels, chemicals, and other industrial products to help us address climate change.