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September 30, 2009

Family planning research must inform clinician training, argues Wayne C. Shields this week. Also, Jonathan Zuck explains the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, and we look at recent news on the social implications of synthetic biology.

students in medical school lecture

Continuing Medical Education

By Wayne C. Shields
With a bold investment of federal resources into clinician education during their academic training years and throughout their careers, we can improve reproductive health care.


Google search results for ICANN

Keep the Same Address*************

By Jonathan Zuck
At the end of the month, the agreement between the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, and the U.S. Department of Commerce expires. Hopefully, not much will change.


Tell Me a Story About Synthetic Biology

More Americans know about synthetic biology, according to a survey from the Wilson Center Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. Some 22 percent of adults indicate they have heard a lot or some about synthetic biology—that’s up from only 9 percent last year. But nearly half, 48 percent, have heard nothing at all about the technology.


The Coolest Platform Raises the Hardest Questions

A recent New Yorker article on synthetic biology is a showcase of candid, effective, values-based discussions about the social implications of an emerging technology.


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