Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

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Of all the rules and advice available about running your own business, the best pertain to what mistakes to avoid. At the top of the list of mistakes to avoid: as an entrepreneur, you should not do everything yourself.

By default, when an individual chooses to do something, they are choosing not to do something else. Yet despite that simplicity, the inclination to do it all in entrepreneur mode is tempting. We want to know every brick of our businesses and we’re willing to ascribe to the icon of hard work and high rewards. But the reality is that there is too much on the line and you could be doing other things that you are much better at. It’s a powerful choice that separates leaders from the rest of the pack. In his book Good To Great, Jim Collins calls it level V leadership, a level we all aspire to be at.