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A 3D-printed logo of Microsoft is seen in front of a displayed LinkedIn logo in this illustration taken June 13, 2016.  Photo: Reuters / Dado Ruvic

Microsoft Corp's LinkedIn boosted subscription revenue by 8% after arming its sales team with artificial intelligence software that not only predicts clients at risk of canceling, but also explains how it arrived at its conclusion.

The system, introduced last July and to be described in a LinkedIn blog post on Wednesday, marks a breakthrough in getting AI to "show its work" in a helpful way.

While AI scientists have no problem designing systems that make accurate predictions on all sorts of business outcomes, they are discovering that to make those tools more effective for human operators, the AI may need to explain itself through another algorithm.

Image: A 3D-printed logo of Microsoft is seen in front of a displayed LinkedIn logo in this illustration taken June 13, 2016. Photo: Reuters / Dado Ruvic