Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Pilot's Founder-in-Residence Gillian O'Brien. GILLIAN O'BRIENThere has always been a coveted, special role within startups and enterprises throughout Silicon Valley. Primarily driven by the status or caliber of the applicant (think ex-consultant from McKinsey, Bain or BCG, and MBA graduate of HBS, Stanford GSB or Wharton), these roles became highly respected in a short period of time. First come associate product manager/product managers roles, then jobs in business operations, and recently followed by the Chief of Staff position. But a new opportunity emerges in the wake of the rest: the founder-in-residence (FiR). A cousin of the canonically-known entrepreneur-in-residence (EiR) job, the major difference between the two is that FiR roles more frequently appear within early-stage startups, as opposed to EiRs in venture capital firms, universities, and startup accelerators.

Image: Pilot's Founder-in-Residence Gillian O'Brien. GILLIAN O'BRIEN