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The UniWave 200 has been making reliable, clean energy for Australia's King Island for a year now, delivering better performance than expectedWave Swell EnergyWave Swell Energy's remarkable UniWave 200 is a sea platform that uses an artificial blowhole formation to create air pressure changes that drive a turbine and feed energy back to shore. After a year of testing, the company reports excellent results.

As we've discussed before, the UniWave system is a floatable device that can be towed to any coastal location and connected to the local energy grid. It's designed so that wave swells force water into a specially designed concrete chamber, pressurizing the air in the chamber and forcing it through an outlet valve. Then as the water recedes, it generates a powerful vacuum, which sucks air in through a turbine at the top and generates electricity that's fed into the grid via a cable.

Image: The UniWave 200 has been making reliable, clean energy for Australia's King Island for a year now, delivering better performance than expectedWave Swell Energy