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A cluster of galaxies including Earendel, the most distant star known in the universe, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope NASA/ESA/CSA/STScIIN A RECENT STUDY submitted to MNRAS, a collaborative research team utilized the first set of data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), discovering a galaxy candidate, CEERS-93316, that formed approximately 250 million years after the Bing Bang, which also set a new redshift record of z = 16.7. This finding is extremely intriguing as it demonstrates the power of JWST, which only started sending back its first set of data a few weeks ago. CEERS stood for Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey and was specifically created for imaging with JWST.

Image: © NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI A cluster of galaxies including Earendel, the most distant star known in the universe, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI