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A view of the Rhone Glacier covered in blankets above Gletsch near the Furkapass in Switzerland, 13 July 2022. The Alps oldest glacier is protected by special white blankets to prevent it from melting. (EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER)The Alps’ glaciers are on track for their highest mass losses in at least 60 years of record keeping, as temperatures in the Alps are warming at around 0.3C per decade — around twice as fast as the global average.

From the way 45-year-old Swiss glaciologist Andreas Linsbauer bounds over icy crevasses, you would never guess he was carrying 10 kg of steel equipment needed to chart the decline of Switzerland’s glaciers.

Image: A view of the Rhone Glacier covered in blankets above Gletsch near the Furkapass in Switzerland, 13 July 2022. The Alps oldest glacier is protected by special white blankets to prevent it from melting. (EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER)