Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

InspirationInnovation is not just about coming up with new ideas -- we do have a fair number in circulation. Execution can be innovative, we see it all the time. Yet, many consider innovation sexy and execution... well, it is work isn't it?

I was also thinking about what having a spirit of inquiry means to me. Given my lifelong pursuit of good questions -- mostly why questions -- I thought I would share with you a few nuggets I came across and saved from books and other readings that talk about execution and innovation to inspire us to lean into our questions.


“Advocates of knowledge management as the next big thing have advanced the proposition that what companies need is more intellectual capital. While that is undeniably true, it's  only partly true. What those advocates are forgetting is that knowledge is only useful if you do something with it.” -- Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business


To read the full, original article click on this link: Conversation Agent: 45 Quotes on Execution, Innovation, and Inquiry