ANNAPOLIS, Md., November 1, 2010 - The BoatUS Foundation's "Innovation in Life Jacket Design Competition" is once again calling for out-of-the-box life jacket design entries.
Five years ago, the Innovation in Life Jacket Design Competition resulted with the introduction of several new and innovative life jacket designs to the public, the US Coast Guard and recreational boating industry. Since then, the interest in new, more comfortable designs has not faded. While current models of life jackets save lives every day, many are still bulky and uncomfortable, leaving boaters reluctant to wear them.
So the BoatUS Foundation, along with Underwriters Laboratories and the Personal Floatation Device Manufacturer's Association, decided another competition was necessary to keep the momentum going to seek out the newest technologies and design innovations that could rethink a 100-year-old design.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Life jacket design |
Author: Charles Zusman