Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

How innovative is Germany? This is the question that in future three illustrious research institutes will be answering in carrying out the “Innovation Indicator” study on behalf of Deutsche Telekom Stiftung (Deutsche Telekom’s charitable Foundation) and Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI, Federation of German Industries). From 2011, the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology at Maastricht University (MERIT) will have the task of compiling the well-known league of nations in which Germany is compared with the world’s leading industrialised countries. From now on, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung and the BDI are presenting news and information about innovation on a new web site The next study is due to be published in the autumn of 2011.

“The ideas presented to us by the consortium under the leadership of Fraunhofer ISI appealed to us not least because the institutes proposed a clear new direction in line with state-of-the art innovation research,” Dr. Klaus Kinkel, chairman of Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, states. “The approach they propose involves a clear focus on a smaller set of individual indicators as well as a convincing added value relative to other national and international studies.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Fraunhofer ISI - Redesign of the Innovation Indicator