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Supporting the global movement to "go green" is every country's responsibility. To show its commitment to green efforts, China recently held a four-day expo to raise environmental awareness and make a case for developing the green economy. The 2010 China International Green Industry Expo, held in Beijing on November 24-27, was co-sponsored by 12 ministries and commissions, the first time a large number of government organizations came together to host such an event.

At the expo, 85 domestic enterprises and 127 companies from 25 countries and regions displayed their green technologies and products.

During the opening ceremony, Li Keqiang, Vice Premier of the State Council, said the green economy would become a general trend and be widely accepted as China accelerates its economic transformation and as economic growth is increasingly restricted by resource and environmental factors.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A Green Economy Begins to Bloom -- Beijing Review