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Advice is given to us so often, it’s easy for it to fall on deaf ears. Some of this so-called advice is given from friends, other from family; perhaps a colleague or a mentor. How do you decide what sticks? The top 8 things I’ve learned from those around me can be summed up in close to 500 words. So what will you take with you?

1. Do what you love

We grow up wanting to be doctors, actors, sports players; yet many end up working in cubicles 8 hours a day. Does that mean settling? I don’t think so… it’s easy to get somewhere and stuck in a rut. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue what you love – work or hobby. Find a way to keep a piece of what you enjoy doing in your everyday life and you will find yourself significantly happier.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Words of Wisdom for Entrepreneurs

Author: Lisa Promise