Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Last week the Center for American Progress and its Doing What Works project launched a new policy platform aimed at bolstering U.S. economic competitiveness by better coordinating federal efforts around trade, education, infrastructure, and innovation, among other areas. To accompany the new report, for seven days CAP will be hosting an online discussion on competitiveness, innovation, and economic issues with a diverse array of heavy-hitting industry, labor, and political leaders.

The report aptly notes “that amid short-term efforts to address the consequences of the Great Recession, too little attention was being paid to the equally important job of increasing America’s long-term competitiveness.” And it lays out a number of policy recommendations aimed at reforming federal agencies in order to bolster long-term economic planning. What the report does not explicitly state, but some of these online discussion participants broach, is the central role that innovation must play in sustaining this long-term competitiveness, and the need for public policy to recognize and internalize the benefits of innovation’s positive externalities.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation = Competitiveness

Author: Sean Pool